Improving Teachers Capabilities In Using The School Environment As A Learning Source Through Discussion Of Teacher Work Group (Kkg) At Sd Negeri 004 Kecamatan Pendalian Iv Koto

  • Ernis Susanti SDN 004 Pendalian IV Koto


One of the appropriate learning strategies for this is learning with the Pakem approach. By utilizing the school environment as a learning resource, the implementation of standard learning will enable students to develop creativity, motivation and participation in learning. From the observations of prospective researchers as school supervisors, so far the teachers at SD Negeri 004 Pendalian IV Koto, very rarely and never even use the school environment as a source of learning. The implementation of this research begins with data collection using an observation format, learning scenario assessment instruments and learning implementation assessment instruments. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive analysis, the result is that in the first cycle the average value obtained from the attitude of the teacher in discussing the discussion is 79.38 in the "enough" category, while in the second cycle the average value obtained is 84.88, the "good" category, the average value obtained from the assessment of learning scenarios in the first cycle is 78.75 the "enough" category while in the second cycle the average value obtained is 82.50, the average value obtained from the implementation assessment learning in the first cycle is 78.33 "enough" category, while in the second cycle the average value obtained is 82.08 "good" category. cycle II, there was an increase in each component.


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How to Cite
SUSANTI, Ernis. Improving Teachers Capabilities In Using The School Environment As A Learning Source Through Discussion Of Teacher Work Group (Kkg) At Sd Negeri 004 Kecamatan Pendalian Iv Koto. Indonesian Journal of Basic Education, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 148 - 154, nov. 2021. ISSN 2615-8523. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 oct. 2024.